Shizuka is a very beautiful oujo, respected daughter of the Nishizono household. Her father's company is having a slightly rough time financially and as is usual in the higher circles, her dad is trying to solve everything by having Shizuka marrying a prominent talent or a heir of a big family in order to expand & solidify the business.... Shizuka is very respectful and loves her father a lot... but she absolutely hates having her freedom restricted, however her own father pushiness has created the habit of forcing her to run away from the house every time an omai looks too imminent. Sadly for her, right now her father is totally obsessed with Kannazuki Koichi, whose talent has pushed him to become the CEO of his family corporation even though he is still attending college. Shizuka can't help but slightly flinch to herself every time her father starts praising Koichi's abilities as if he was selling a product. Predictably, Koichi is not anywhere near close to the star image that's portrayed officially and it's disclosed to the readers that he is the type that doesn't care about anyone nor anything but self-gain, and that he sees Shizuka as a hollow prize that will make him incredibly rich and will be discarded once he has had his way with it. To complete the picture, we have Tooru; a servant to the Nishizono household that is always around Shizuka and is usually at the wrong end of her outbursts, as such his job mainly consists of "making Shizuka's wishes come true", ergo securing places for Shizuka to run away in whenever she feels the need to and seeing to her every need. Thus, Shizuka once again runs away from home. She understands that this time will be different from the other non serious attempts, now "she doesn't want to be found". However little does she realize how different this time will be from all others. On one side we have Koichi, who will never let such a big chance for quick fortune slip past; on the other side we have Tooru standing always next to her, taking care of her and displaying loyalty to her is suddenly starting to bring forward conflicting feelings on our dear oujo.
vol.2 ch.18
Jan 31, 2020
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